Provide Embroidery Sew-Out For Embroidery Digitizing Service With ZSK sprint Sampling Machine
The embroidery digitizing services is a billion-dollar business, and it is growing exponentially. Earlier, this service was availed by small embroiders operating from their garage, stay-at-home hobbyists, and large contract embroidery service providers. But with the advent of Print-On-Demand companies worldwide, the requirement of embroidery digitizing service has grown manifold. So naturally, many people will want to get their piece of the pie, and so you will find thousands of embroidery digitizers on the internet advertising themselves. From individual freelancers to large agencies. But are they good enough and perfect for you?
With the ever-growing popularity of embroidery digitizing services, more and more people are taking up the embroidery digitizing business. Finding the perfect, high-quality embroidery digitizing service is not always easy. Since there are so many options, it is confusing for clients to know which one is right for their embroidery projects. The quality of embroidery digitizing will determine if you can produce a high-quality product or not. If there are any production-related issues in your design, they will be reflected on your final product and potentially decrease its value. The wrong digitizing can also cause production delays or even result in a loss of business.
What is Production Friendly Embroidery Digitizing Service
More than 80% of the digitizing service providers don’t have any embroidery production background. Some may not even have seen an embroidery machine in operation at all. Would you trust such digitizers and select them as your embroidery digitizing vendor? You shouldn’t. If you do, then there will be severe consequences, and you may not be able to get the best output of the embroidery as per your expectations.
Due to lack of embroidery production experience, the digitizer will add unnecessary underlay stitches, incorrect push-pull compensation for stretchy material, and more than required color changes. Ignore unwanted trims and jumps, won’t apply correct logic for the stitch travel path in the design, overlook tiny and overlapping stitches that cause multiple thread breaks — ultimately causing you production loss and damaged garments.
So to ensure that you don’t face such issues, you should select a vendor with an entire production facility or at least a few sampling machines to offer you an embroidery sewout facility. Plus, a team of digitizers has vast experience in a production environment. Most importantly, you find an industry-leading company having a state-of-art production facility and a knowledgeable digitizing team.
Why Production Friendly Digitizing Needed?
Many industries now seek embroidery digitizing services. Embroiderers, promotional product wholesalers, garment and uniform manufacturers all need the embroidery service to add value to their products.
Sometimes the digitized design looks perfect on a computer screen or PDF, but it’s useless if it does not stitch out perfectly on the garment. And since there are so many freelancers and agencies offering embroidery digitizing services out there, you should avail services only from those who specialize in this field and have flawless work. And hence to ensure clients receive a perfectly digitized design, ZSK sprint Sampling Machine is the best in class sampling machine. Its already existing robust multi-head embroidery infrastructure of 172 heads. Add a stitch-out in SOP as the last stage embroidery digitizing quality check to avoid extra stitches, unnecessary jumps, and trims, embroidery shifting issues at object joints, remove overlapping stitches that cause the thread to break, etc.
Choosing the best embroidery digitizing service is rather very confusing. It all depends on the knowledge and expertise of the digitizing team and excellent proficiency in the art of digitizing embroidery!